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Sunday, 26 June 2011

welcome to Fac of Art and Design !

The Faculty of Art & Design or locally known as Fakulti Seni Lukis & Seni Reka or its acronym FSSR, of Universiti Teknologi MARA was founded since 1967 not only to develop and nurture an individual's artistic talent but also to promote the economic status of the indigenous (bumiputera) students within the realm of Islamic worldview. FSSR offers the opportunity to study visual art with a small community but with wide access to other faculties where students can collaborate and thus enhance their researches relevant to their studies.

Diversified programmes are offered at the Faculty. These include: Graphic Design & Digital Media, Fine Art, Industrial Design, Textile Design, Fine Metal Design, Ceramics, Fashion Design, Photography & Creative Imaging and Printing Technology. FSSR students work with dedicated lecturers, accomplished artists, designers and highly respected scholars.

* we provide a challenging context for students to research, produce, and critically evaluate their creative work within a cultural and historical framework -

for more info, do view dis link :


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