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Tuesday, 5 July 2011

work 14

"My Inspiration"


Poster ni d design kan atas permintaan salah sorg rakan yang kini berada di Ireland utk satu event yg bakal d anjurkan.

Here, just to share some of my work for the event.
 * simple atas permintaan 'pelanggan' heheheh
3D session 
for LOGO

work 13

Final Semester 
Semester 6, 3rd Year
Major in Automotive Design
(individual project) 
3D session

 3D software : RHINO
okay, a lil bit of information.. utk Final Semester, i've choosed Automotive Design as my Major. Theme : Urban. So, dis is my 'urban' design for Penang Ferry. Named as 'Mutiara' based on one of an island there. Starting from research, development, and model making, so this my final result.

* tyme ne presentation mmg failed sbb tgh proses berkemas2. maaf2, ni pn gambar FB sorg sahabat :)

Monday, 4 July 2011

work 12

Final Semester 
Semester 6, 3rd Year
Minor in Product Design
(individual project)

3D session

* okay a lil bit information, utk Final Semester, i've choosed product design as my minor.. Theme : Delivery Product.. So, after a bit of research, i choosed to designed a Vacuum Cooler Box for Medical Delivery. It helps Vacuum Tube to be delivered safely. And dis is fully my own design. Named as 'Colex' stands for Collect.. Maaf sbb xde gambar model utk product sbb xsmpat amek gambar, jadi terpaksa letak yg 3D je.. gna 3D software : Rhino

Panel Presentation
Product : COLEX
Vacuum Collection Tube for Medical Delivery 

* okay, ni panel presentation untuk COLEX.. maaf, kurang jelas sbb nk upload, imej terpaksa d reduce kan lbey dari 80 % size sbnr n berkemungkinan imej rosak.

Thursday, 30 June 2011

work 11

Third Year, 5th Semester
Industrial Project : Furniture
Theme : Traditional Element

Okay, a lil bit information : Dis is Industrial Project for 5th semester. Furniture. Theme : Traditional to Modern design. Material : Pine wood. Subject matter for dis furniture : Manik Sarawak (Beads).. okay, design ni d ambil based on how dats bead being knit to one another. Sbb tu tade unsur beads lnsung, design dye jadi bersegi. Dis furniture also named as ' Nittin' from da words knitting. Dis bookcase ni hasil kerja tgn sepenuhnya dari saya, and with a help from my lecture . Thanks! 

 *maaf atas ke'blur'an gambar. kamera henfon je sempat capai, dh last minute
(thanks pija!)

* ampunkan diri ku yg agak berserabut, tyme ni assestment dah hbs and dtg studio blk utk kemas2.. and dats 'Nittin'.. tidakla begitu sempurna sbb maseh ada kecacatan kt kayu tyme tgh finishing :) but still, sgt berpuas hati n sgt2 bersyukur ats segala kemudahan dari awal hingga ke akhir dis model making process :) Syukur, Alhamdulillah 

dis is another model from my batch, just a half from them (pic-credit to mohd faiz sairy):- 

dis is my 3D session for Nittin :-
moga hari esok akan lebih baek :) aminnn

work 10

KDG ( After Critic Session )
Karisma Daerah Gombak

With Environment :)

sangat2 tidak beridea tyme2 neh tapi sgt2 sronok ble cuba bwat bnde baru n thanks!

work 9

Second Year, 4th semester
Task : Chain saw
Lec : Cik Wahyuni
Software : Rhino 3D

ni task yg kedua dlm klas Rhino means, klas utk 3D.. diberi task utk memilih mn2 product elektrik (Electric Hand Tool ) yg digunakan dlm bengkel. And i've choosed Chain Saw..

* yang ni original pic amek dari internet utk di COPY~

okay.. result dye mmg agak mengecewakan sbb tade sama sgt n i do change a bit.. InsyaAllah, learned something :)

work 8

Second Year, 4th semester
Task 1 : Headphone
Lec : Cik Wahyuni
software : Rhino 3D

* sila ignore dgn pilihan warna yg agak ke'jambu'an.. dis is da basic task for introduction of 3D software yg mana tiap student di ajar utk create headphone with our own design.. Nk create satu object agak ssh, i do failed at first.. bile dh boley bwat, skrg jdi ingat2 lupa lak.. insyaAllah, skrg tgh mengexplore semula apa yg dh bocor. 
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